About the Film
Multinational coffee companies rule shopping malls and supermarkets, and dominate the $80-billion-plus coffee industry. But, while Americans continue to pay for luxury lattes and cappuccinos, the prices paid to coffee farmers remain so low that many have been forced to abandon their fields. Black Gold tells the complex story behind an attempt to make globalization work for the producers of the second most valuable traded commodity for developing countries in the world.
Discussion Afterward
Tim Taylor, Overflow’s coffee roaster, will be on hand to lead discussion and share more information about the coffee industry and how it’s changed since this film premiered in 2007.
7:00 - Pre-screening Networking. Bring business cards and get to know the other people who’ll be watching the film.
7:30 - Welcome and Introduction.
7:40 - Film begins.
9:10 - Film concludes. Bathroom and coffee break.
9:20 - Discussion facilitated by Tim Taylor.
While Overflow encourages the use of public transit (Red Line, #29, #62 and other buses are close), limited parking is available in the rear of the building on a first come, first served basis. “Bring $3 for your spot. No one will be in the lot to take it. You can pay at the ticket check-in table.”
it's really nice video...